A curious form of weaponry, the bow and arrow is one of the most ancient instruments of arms. Sleek and built with the utmost attention to detail, the bow is an extension of the archer's own being; paired with the arrow, which is crafted with speed and precision, is a quick and effective way to disable a target. Only the most patient and perceptive of combatants can proficiently wield such a unique instrument of death.
5 Slashing Damage Bonus
5 Crushing Damage Bonus
5 Piercing Damage Bonus
5 Ranged Distance Bonus
Equip: Basic Bows
Equip: Reflex Bows
Equip: Arrows
Equip: Exotic Arrows
Tray: Ranged
Hunker Down
Instant Buff
Deploy a small point-blank field increasing your Damage Bonus and All Armor.
Duration: 15
Instant Ranged Attack
Skillfully launch three arrows at once to strike as many enemies in a cone for 45-60 + 53% Weapon Damage. This Power's Maximum Range cannot be modified.
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