- Some players may experience broken states when they first drop into a campaign world. If you end up stuck or at a white screen after selecting your Faction, please LOGOUT and RESTART YOUR CLIENT to resolve the issue.
- If restarting the client does not fix the problem, please leave us a post in the Playtest Bugs section of the forums or send an email to
- Please be on the lookout for any new problems as we just upgraded to Unity 5.5.2. See web update for the details:
Building Tool
- Fixed the footprint check on the server for building placement. A bug was causing the slope check to fail on the server when it shouldn't.
- Localized UI for building placement.
- Now buildings cannot be placed on top of players.
- Movement in BP mode now follows the terrain so that you can't clip into mountains or hills.
- Buildings will no longer have grass/etc clipping through the floor.
- The "Press G to Loot" prompt for placeable buildings will no longer appear for a targeted building if you are standing on top of it.
- Fixed bug that was allowing socketed sockets to be visible or socketed sockets to not be set as invisible.
- Fixed bug where placing a building would cause your character to execute a left mouse button attack.
- Fixed issue where parcel boundary indicators would not turn red if you were trying to place a building in a parcel that had no tokens of the correct type left.
Eternal Kingdoms
- (Coming Soon)
- Fixed an issue where disconnecting while loading may not transition back to the lobby.
- Fix for power tray icons not showing on login to a world.
- Fix for drag swapping items in Spirit Bank.
- Should be able to split items in Spirit Bank.
- New subcategory for Siege Warfare recipes under the Woodworking section of recipe book.
- Changed crafting and harvesting potion durations from 10 minutes to 12 minutes.
- Reworked Animal Harvesting skill line in the Harvesting tree to be more generic. (this should complete the conversion of the harvesting/excavation skill trees)
- Moved Big Cat harvesting skills to animal familiarity tree.
- COMING SOON: Enforcing limits on both client and server for number of skills training at once. Limits are:
- 1 generic skill.
- 1 archetype skill, unless you have a VIP entitlement, in which case the limit goes to 3.
- Archetype passives have had their status icons updated.
- Trailblazer movement speed can now be modified by stat increases.
- Shield Bash - Can now critical hit.
- Shield Bash - now causes -2 Dodge on target hit instead of modifying the cost of Dodge on target hit.
- Duelist should be rendering correctly again.
- Pistol Shot - Fixed a bug that affected Rapid Fire cooldown.
- Forest Whispers - New archetype passive which can be loaded out. (press K to open powers UI)
- Strength of the Legion - New archetype passive which can be loaded out. (press K to open powers UI)
- Legionnaire - Equestrian now Grants a Reduction to Dodge Regen Tick Rate. (no more infinite dodge)
- Faith - New archetype passive which can be loaded out. (press K to open powers UI)
- Tweaks to the display of Dodge Pips on the Right Click Power button.
- New UI elements are being added to the skill trees, they are non functional at this time. (don’t be alarmed)
- The character paperdoll sheet has seen a large rework to account for the dynamic adding and removing of equipment slots coming with the discipline system. Ensure all previous functionality still works.
Known Issues
- Durability in crafted items is not properly carrying up the crafting chain.
- Vessel inventory objects can not be used at a Temple.
- Myrmidon Berserk UI widget timer on the client can be incorrect by +/- a few seconds, however should the Berserker Crash will always happen at the 8.35 second mark on the server.
- Blocking and walking backwards with good framerate does not allow the player to move at all.
- The camera behaves a little wonky going in and out of combat.