If you disconnect from chat, press Alt-Z twice as a temporary work around to reconnect to the chat servers.
- Added ping time and PvE/PvP setting to the campaign selection button.
- Initial tech implemented for Import and Export via Spirit Bank.(access via the Spirit Bank button in the inventory)
- For now this bank can be accessed from anywhere.
- Items have a 2 minute time frame where they are in a locked state when transferred between the account level and campaign character.
- Ensure crafted items do not lose stats on transfer between worlds please!
- You are unable to manipulate or rearrange items placed in Spirit Bank.
- Sorrow - US East server, Map size increased by 50% (our largest map to date)
- Sanctuary - Eternal Kingdom, Massively increased amount of Slag nodes.
- Fix for player not joining correct campaign chat channel.
- Doobers spawn much lower from trees.
- Successful Beneficial Harvest stamina restore and buff events will now apply to Stone, Wood, Animal and Grave Digging.
- Trade loot chests around the map periodically spawn food and resources.
- Philosopher’s Stone recipe implemented. (Play mix and match with the solutions for various attributes)
- Stone can now be turned into powdered form via Alchemy Grind Resource recipe.
- Should be able to see stats on all on vessel related subcomponents.
- New stats types added for vessel crafting.
- All vessel additives should have stats on them now.
- Added a new cooking recipe section.
- Added Brisket recipe. (All meat types can be used for Brisket, unfortunately they won’t be as good as the real thing)
- Reinforced padding should now slot into appropriate crafting slots.
- Fixed issue with Food Survivalist Campfire not giving food ticks.
- More work on making item tooltips more beautiferious.
- Added a skill line in Harvesting to Unlock the Grave Digging Skill tree. (no icons yet)
- Added a Grave Digging Skill tree. (no icons yet)
- Skill tree lines went on a diet and are now 50% thinner.
- New widgets added to tooltips. (time for complete skill data is not hooked up yet)
- Added new skill trees to quick nav menu.
- Champion - FX work on base weapon attack trails.
- True damage type now bypasses bonus damage/healing, _gain bonuses and final healing_bonus modifiers.
- Myrmidon - Berserk health refund is now true damage type so that myrmidon doesn't get to net heal because of hitpoints_gain stat.
- Ranger - Ranged Basic 3: Corrected Bleed on piercing arrow to use the correct damage and tick rate for bleeds.
- Ranger - should no longer cause a server exception when swapping trays. (this was potentially breaking a variety of things)
User Interface
- Fixing tiny tooltips on certain hud UI’s, they are now proper scale but can still be offset awkwardly.
Known Issues
- Icons bigger than 1x1 can only be dragged and tooltipped on the top most 1x1 portion of the icon.
- Looted items do not auto stack into an existing stack when looting.
- Crafted items will sometimes fail inventory transfer and never show up when the Take button is pressed. (We are tracking logs to try and figure this one out)
- Myrmidon Berserk UI widget timer on the client can be incorrect by +/- a few seconds, however should the Berserker Crash will always happen at the 15.35 second mark on the server.
- Charge powers that are client immediate will travel the full length of their animation regardless of player removing input. (Knight Pursuit)