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Minotaur Bloodline


Gain immunity to all Stun effects that hit you from the front.

  • targeting: self

Dodge (Minotaur)

Instant Dodge

Leap away from danger moving 12m in your WASD direction at the cost of one Dodge pip and causing 71-87 + 79% Weapon Damage to nearby enemies where you land. You recover one Dodge pip every 12 seconds.

  • Range: 12
  • targeting: self


Instant Buff

Overcome with bloodthirst you continually recover 50% of all lost Health for 8 seconds. When the effect ends you suffer Bloodthirst Crash and take 50% of the lost health over the next 8 seconds.

  • Duration: 8
  • targeting: self

Bull Rush

Hold Channeled Crowd Control

Charge forward dragging enemies along with you and causing 123 - 150 + 137% Weapon Damage. Enemies are flung into the air if the attack is over 65% charged.

  • Range: 7
  • targeting: 3 target(s) in a rectangle