One of the most prevalent icons of horror is the scarecrow. Often rudimentary and crude in apperance with an accompanied aura of terror, the scarecrow is often more terrifying in apperance than character, but that doesn't change the fact that they often cause shudders and shivers. Along with the sense of foreboding they can also cause even the most brutal of attackers to be stunned with fright.
5 Resistance: Piercing
Aura of Terror
Instant Debuff
Surround yourself with a chilling aura of palpable fear that automatically reveals Stealthed enemies. Enemies who remain nearby for too long are Suppressed and then afflicted with Frostbite.
Range: 5
Needlin Haystack
Instant Buff
Cover your body with sharp needle-like straws increasing your Piercing Armor by 25. Piercing attacks reflect 133% weapon damage and cause Severe Bleeding.
Duration: 15
Pin Cushion
Instant Buff
Gain a Piercing damage immune Barrier for 15 seconds.
Duration: 15
Terrifying Features
Protect yourself with a powerful enchantment periodically stunning attackers.
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