Exploiting and bending reality is an aspect only a select few can possess. Manipulating time, altering the ability to heal and influencing incoming and outgoing damage are all features onle a warper of reality can master. For them, reality is just a suggestion.
3 Final Damage Modifier
Alter Reality
Instant Debuff
Place a Heal Absorption shield on the target which absorbs incoming heals. In order to remove the shield the target must be healed for 500. If the shield is not healed off before 15 seconds, it will explode dealing 91-123 damage to those nearby.
Range: 15
Duration: 15
Tear Reality
Instant Debuff
Tear Reality 8m around you every 3 seconds for 9 seconds, all targets hit have all powers with an active cooldown increased by 3 seconds.
Range: 8
Duration: 9
Crazy Pills
Gain Attack Power with the buff amount increasing as your Resource pool decreases.
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