Agent Provocateur icon

Agent Provocateur [1]

major Discipline

Agent Provocateurs are sneaky, well-hidden, and difficult to track. Sometimes they drop caltrops, sometimes they prefer a stink bomb, but no matter the method of deceit the intent is always done with mischief and stealth in mind.


  • arrowup 5 Stealth




Ground Aimed Crowd Control

Harass enemies for 15 seconds covering the targeted area with dangerous caltrops, reducing Piercing Armor and Slowing them while maintaining Stealth.

  • Range: 35
  • Duration: 15
  • targeting: 5 target(s) in a area

Lay Low

Instant Non-Aggressive

Take it easy tending to your wounds and recovering 13-15 + 56% Weapon Damage a second for 6 seconds while maintaining Stealth.

  • Duration: 6
  • targeting: self

Stink Bomb

Ground Aimed Crowd Control

Torment enemies with a noxious targeted area attack Stunning and afflicting them with Moderate Corruption while maintaining Stealth.

  • Range: 35
  • targeting: 5 target(s) in a area



Plan your next attack when entering Stealth immediately recovering a pip if you don't have one and periodically gaining additional Pips every 30 seconds as you maintain Stealth.

  • Duration: 30
  • targeting: self

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  1. ^ Github - Malekai Project
Major Disciplines Disciplines Assassin Ranger Duelist