Deeds are used to place structures like buildings and walls into Eternal Kingdoms or certain Campaigns. There are currently buildings, stone walls (castle), wood walls (fort), attachable banners and other structures like statues or relics. See the list below for more details:
Name | ||
Building Castle Generic1 |
Building Castle Generic2 |
Building Castle Generic3 |
Building Castle Generic4 |
Building Castle Generic5 |
Building Castle Generic6 |
Building Castle Generic7 |
Building Castle Generic8 |
Building Castle Generic9 |
Building Large1 |
Building Medium1 |
Building Small1 |
Building Throne Keep1 |
Building Throne Lodge1 |
Castle Parts
Name | ||
Castle Annexbridge S01001 |
Castle Annexbridge S02001 |
Castle Annexbridgeramp S01001 |
Castle Annexbridgeramp S01002 |
Castle Annexbridgeramphalf S01001 |
Castle Annexjunction S01001 |
Castle Attachbuttress001 |
Castle Attachmerlon001 |
Castle Attachmerloncorner001 |
Castle Attachrampart D01001 |
Castle Attachrampart S01001 |
Castle Attachrampartcorner S01001 |
Castle Attachwallfin001 |
Castle Gatehouse D02001 |
Castle Gatehouse S02001 |
Castle Gatehouse S08001 |
Castle Gatehouse S08002 |
Castle Tower Octagon S03001 |
Castle Wallarch S02001 |
Castle Wallhollow D01001 |
Castle Wallhollow D02001 |
Castle Wallhollow S01001 |
Castle Wallhollow S03001 |
Castle Wallhollowramp S03001 |
Castle Wallslope D01001 |
Castle Wallslope S01001 |
Castle Wallslopehalf D01001 |
Castle Wallslopehalf S01001 |
Castle Wallslopehollow D01001 |
Castle Wallslopehollow S01001 |
Wall Fort Tower1 |
Wall Fort Window1 |
Wall Generic Pack1 |
Wall Ramp1 |
Wall Ramp2 |
Wall Segment1 |
Wall Segment2 |
Wall Tower Single1 |
Wall Connector Straight1 |
Wall Corner1 |
Wall Diagonal Connector1 |
Wall Diagonal Segment1 |
Wall Diagonal Segment2 |
Fort Parts
Name | ||
Fort Annexbridge S01001 |
Fort Annexjunction S01001 |
Fort Annexramp S01001 |
Fort Annexramphalf S01001 |
Fort Annextower S01001 |
Fort Attachbrace001 |
Fort Attachtowerramp S01001 |
Fort Attachwallwindowstair S01001 |
Fort Cornerwindowreverse S01001 |
Fort Wall S02001 |
Fort Wallslope Down S01001 |
Fort Wallslope Up S01001 |
Fort Wallslopehalf Down S01001 |
Wall Fort Attach Tower1 |
Wall Fort Corner Window |
Wall Fort Gate1 |
Wall Fort Segment Double1 |
Wall Fort Segment Single1 |
Wall Fort Segment Slope1 |
Name | ||
Accessory Generic1 |
Annex Craftingdeck A001 |
Annex Craftingdeckroof A001 |
Attachable Banner A001 |
Attachable Banner A002 |
Attachable Banner A003 |
Attachable Bannerhanging A001 |
Attachable Bannerhanging A002 |
Attachable Bannerhanging A003 |
Relic Generic1 |
Statue Generic1 |
Vip Generic1 |